Tourism destinations - and organizations play a central role in tourism and the promotion of sustainable tourism by creating sustainable development amongst the local agents and by attracting meeting - and leisure tourists, that are are looking for a sustainable experience. 

GREEN TOURISM ORGANIZATION helps to ensure that the organization's own company is sustainable and makes it possible for them to promote and brand the organization on their sustainability and green efforts.


This scheme not only focuses on what the tourism organization  does on its own premises and that the organization is working actively with growing sustainability within its field of business. It also focuses on the destination as a whole and the fact that it has many eco-labelled accommodation opportunities as well as a formulated environmental effort. 

GREEN TOURISM ORGANIZATION is a trustworthy scheme with strict criteria, a trustworthy application - and control process and a jury that evaluates each case for approval.

GREEN TOURISM ORGANIZATION is build on the foundation and experiences of Green Key, which was created by the Danish Outdoor Council and HORESTA more than 20 years ago, which is now present i more than 60 countries and awarded to more thank 3000 organizations.

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Experience a green spot

Wonderful Copenhagen

Wonderful Copenhagen

Nørregade 7B ,1165 Copenh…

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